Ref :"We assume that nutrition may be a suited approach to break therapy resistance of cancer stem cells and thus make tumor treatment more effective," Professor Herr suggested....
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Synergistic activity of Sorafenib and Sulforaphane abolishes pancreatic cancer...
Wednesday, February 22, 2017
Broccoli sprout extract may protect against oral cancer recurrence
Sunday, July 18, 2010
Anti-Cancer Effects of Broccoli Ingredient Explained......
In continuation of my update on the dietary benefits of broccoli and how it helps to reduce the cancer risk....
Researchers writing in BioMed Central's open access journal Molecular Cancer have found that sulforaphane, a chemical found in broccoli, interacts with cells lacking a gene called PTEN to reduce the chances of prostate cancer developing.
Richard Mithen, from the Institute of Food Research, an institute of BBSRC, worked with a team of researchers on Norwich Research Park, UK, to carry out a series of experiments in human prostate tissue and mouse models of prostate cancer to investigate the interactions between expression of the PTEN gene and the anti cancer activity of sulforaphane.
"PTEN is a tumour suppressor gene, the deletion or inactivation of which can initiate prostate carcinogenesis, and enhance the probability of cancer progression. We've shown here that sulforaphane has different effects depending on whether the PTEN gene is present."
The research team found that in cells which express PTEN, dietary intervention with SF has no effect on the development of cancer. In cells that don't express the gene, however, sulforaphane causes them to become less competitive, providing an explanation of how consuming broccoli can reduce the risk of prostate cancer incidence and progression.
Ref :
Monday, April 13, 2009
Broccoli sprouts may help prevent stomach cancer !

Pict., of Broccoli (Structures of DIM & Sulforaphane respectively)
(the same compound, has been tested for viral nfections,bacterial infections and immune deficiency diseases also). And boiling the Broccoli, will lead to the loss of this compound has been also established
Researchers assessed the severity of H. pylori infection at enrollment, and again at four and eight weeks using standard breath, serum and stool tests. H. pylori levels were significantly lower at eight weeks on all three measures among those patients who had eaten broccoli sprouts, while they remained the same for patients who had eaten alfalfa sprouts.
Saturday, July 9, 2011
Sulforaphane-rich foods safe and effective for preventing cancer
Saturday, July 3, 2010
How Dietary Supplement (Broccoli, Cabbage) May Block Cancer Cells....
Now researchers at the Ohio State University Comprehensive Cancer Center-Arthur G. James Cancer Hospital and Richard J. Solove Research Institute (OSUCCC-James) have discovered how a substance (see below structure) that is produced when eating broccoli and Brussels sprouts can block the proliferation of cancer cells.
The laboratory and animal study discovered a connection between I3C and a molecule called Cdc25A, which is essential for cell division and proliferation. The research showed that I3C causes the destruction of that molecule and thereby blocks the growth of breast cancer cells.
"Cdc25A is present at abnormally high levels in about half of breast cancer cases, and it is associated with a poor prognosis," says study leader Xianghong Zou, assistant professor of pathology at the Ohio State University Medical Center.For this study, Zou and his colleagues exposed three breast cancer cell lines to I3C. These experiments revealed that the substance caused the destruction of Cdc25A. They also pinpointed a specific location on that molecule that made it susceptible to I3C, showing that if that location is altered (because of a gene mutation), I3C no longer causes the molecule's destruction.
Last, the investigators tested the effectiveness of I3C in breast tumors in a mouse model. When the substance was given orally to the mice, it reduced tumor size by up to 65 percent. They also showed that I3C had no affect on breast-cell tumors in which the Cdc25A molecule had a mutation in that key location.
Ref : American Association for Cancer Research : Cancer Prevention Research, Xianghong Zou et al.,
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Antioxidant in the vegetables for treating Cystic Fibrosis.....
Now researchers from the University of Pennsylvania, have found an interesting fact that the antioxidant thiocyanate normally existing in the body protects lung cells from injuries caused by accumulations of hydrogen peroxide and hypochlorite, the active ingredient in household bleach. These potentially harmful chemicals are made by the body as a reaction to infection and injury. In addition, thiocyanate also protects cells from hypochlorite produced in reactions involving MPO, an enzyme released from germ-fighting white blood cells during inflammation.
The research team demonstrated that in three additional cell types used to extend their ideas to other inflammation-related conditions - cardiovascular disease, neurodegeneration, and diabetes - thiocyanate at blood concentrations of at least 100 micromolar (micromoles per liter) greatly reduces the toxicity of MPO in cells, including those lining blood vessels. Humans naturally derive thiocyanate from some vegetables and blood levels of thiocyanate in the general population vary from 10 to 140 micromolar.
So without an adequate dietary supply of thiocyanate (from broccoli & Cauliflower), hypochlorite produced by the body during inflammation would cause additional collateral damage to cells, thus worsening inflammatory diseases, and predisposing humans to diseases linked to MPO activity, including atherosclerosis. Thus the authors claim that delivering thiocyanate directly to the digestive and respiratory systems might be a therapy for CF disease.
Ref :