Friday, January 1, 2010

Oleanolic acid capsules for Hepatitis B......

We  know that Oleanolic acid is a naturally occurring triterpenoid, widely  distributed in food and medicinal plants, related to betulinic acid. It can be found in Phytolacca americana (American pokeweed), and Syzygium spp, garlic, etc. It is relatively non-toxic, antitumor, and hepatoprotective (antihepatotoxic - protecting liver cells against toxins) as well as exhibiting antiviral properties.

Oleanolic acid was found to exhibit strong anti-HIV activity, the related compound betulinic acid was used to create the first commercial maturation inhibitor drug. It was first studied and isolated from several plants, including Rosa woodsii (leaves), Prosopis glandulosa (leaves and twigs), Phordendron juniperinum (whole plant), Syzygium claviflorum (leaves), Hyptis capitata (whole plant), and Ternstromia gymnanthera (aerial part). Other Syzygium species including java apple (Syzygium samarangense) and rose apples contain it.

Now Biostar Pharmaceuticals, Inc. has completed preparation to launch its flagship Xin Aoxing Oleanolic Acid ("Xin Aoxing") Capsules for the treatment of Hepatitis B in Beijing and Shanghai in early January 2010.....

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