Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Eribulin drug has minor added benefit in one patient group, indication of lesser benefit in others

In continuation of my update on Eribulin

Eribulin (trade name: Halaven) is approved for women with locally advanced or metastatic breast cancer in whom the disease has progressed despite prior drug therapy. The German Institute for Quality and Efficiency in Health Care (IQWiG) examined in a dossier assessment whether the drug offers an added benefit over the appropriate comparator therapy in these patient groups.

According to the findings, there are both positive and negative effects. There is proof of minor added benefit for one group of patients. For other groups, there are hints or indications of lesser benefit.

Second assessment of eribulin
IQWiG already presented a dossier assessment of eribulin in February 2012. The subsequent decision on the added benefit made by the Federal Joint Committee (G-BA) was limited until April 2014. In addition, the drug manufacturer meanwhile obtained approval for an expanded therapeutic indication: In March 2011 eribulin was only available for patients who have progressed further after at least two chemotherapeutic regimens. Since June 2014, however, the drug can already be used after one unsuccessful treatment attempt. Hence there were two reasons ─ independent from each other ─ for the reassessment of eribulin.

G-BA specified appropriate comparator therapies
When the G-BA specified the appropriate comparator therapy, it distinguished between several treatment situations: The first one refers to patients who are not eligible for further chemotherapy with a taxane or an anthracycline. In this situation, eribulin was to be compared with individual chemotherapy containing the drugs capecitabine or vinorelbine.
In patients for whom taxanes or anthracyclines are principally still an option, eribulin was to be compared with an individual chemotherapy containing a taxane or an anthracycline.

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