Sunday, June 14, 2009
Exenatide for weight reduction !...
Sunday, February 1, 2009
Genetic basis of psoriasis revealed.....
This basic understanding of psoriasis is of significance becoz of the fact that, now one will be able target treatments to psoriasis patients based on the genetic alterations that have contributed to their disease. The two groups (Bowcock and her colleagues in Spain) found that the absence of two skin genes - LCE3B and LCE3C - increases the risk of psoriasis.
Both genes normally are activated after an injury to the skin. The researches suspect the absence of the genes could lead to an inappropriate immune response, which may cause the inflammation that is a hallmark of the disease. Until now, all of the genes linked to psoriasis have been involved in the immune system. But psoriasis is a disease of the immune system and the skin, and it makes sense that we would eventually find genes in the skin that are involved in the disease.
Though the new variants uncovered by the researchers each make only a small contribution to the overall genetic risk of the psoriasis, its a good beginning. This finding is important, because newly discovered variants have been associated with other inflammatory diseases such as Crohn's disease and autoimmune diseases like rheumatoid arthritis and lupus. Hope additional studies will help to tease apart the ways in which these diseases are connected at the level of DNA and this information will also aid in the search for more targeted drugs that can zero in on particular genetic defects that cause the diseases. More....
For Psoriasis picture, see the slide no., 4 of slide show of skin problems.
Obesity may be contagious !

Blood samples taken from patients attending an obesity clinic were tested for antibodies to Adenovirus-36 and it was found that 20% of the patients had encountered the virus at some point and were significantly heavier than their antibody negative counterparts.
Other research showed that obese people were nearly three times more likely to have the virus than a non-obese person and even amongst the non-obese group, those with the virus were heavier than average. Dr. Dhurandhar explain his conclusion in the following lines : virus goes to the lungs and spreads to various organs such as the liver, kidney, brain and fat tissue and the Adenovirus-36 virus reaches the fat tissue it replicates making more copies of itself and in the process increases the number of fat cells and this may explain why people gain weight when infected with the virus. The virus lingers for up to three months, during which time it multiplies fat and is contagious to others and is possibly encountered in early chilhood. Though many Obesity experts, say the virus is not the reason why there is a major epidemic of obesity but may be instead a small contributing factor and all avenues must be explored but the basic message remains that people need to eat less and exercise more. Any way something interesting and if it happens to be proven one more SERENDIPITY to the existing truths.....
Sunday, January 25, 2009
Insulin from plants ?
Sunday, January 18, 2009
Structure of key Ebola protein solved.....
A team led by Gaya Amarasinghe, an assistant professor in biochemistry, biophysics and molecular biology, has recently solved the structure from a key part of the Ebola protein known as VP35. This protien interferes with the natural resistance of host cells against viral infections. when viruses infect cells, the host immune system can fight to eventually clear the virus. But with Ebola infections, the ability of the host to mount a defense against the invading virus is lost
I think this if not controlled will be like deadly epidemic AIDS (and even worst than this...), because of the fact that the VP35 protein interferes with the host's innate immune pathways that form the first line of defense against pathogens. With the advent of technologies like combination of X-ray crystallography and nucleic magnetic resonance spectroscopy the team has achieved the structure by using non-infectious protein samples. Hope this template (known structure) will help the drug discoverers to identify and design drugs that potentially bind with VP35 and their by substantiate anti-viral drug discovery. Congrats to Gaya Amarashinghe and his team. More ....
Saturday, January 17, 2009
Genetic modification of E. coli, a bacterium to produce long-chain alcohols essential in the creation of biofuels- a new avenue of biofules ?
Sunday, December 21, 2008
A Deep Insight into the World Gene Therapy Market
Saturday, December 20, 2008
How Genes and Proteins Interact……
If we think back how, the killer illnesses such as cancer and Alzheimer's begin and are they anything to do with fundamental mechanisms of epigenetic control ? Dr. Stephen Michnick and group says, "control of genes is subject to both inherited and environmental factors, so that genes may be read differently and up to what a person eats or even what their grandmother ate” - something we all, try to find comparisons between our children with our parents.
In the PLoS study, the researchers identified proteins they described as gene grammarians. Gene grammarians are linked to a larger complex of proteins that determine whether a gene can be read – or not – based on DNA structure. The scientists found gene grammarians can determine whether cells have different functions and can identify the different levels of susceptibility – or resistance – individuals could have to specific diseases.
The study provides insight into the fundamental mechanisms of epigenetic control – gene expression that are controlled by heritable but potentially reversible changes in DNA – which provides a new avenue towards understanding environmental effects on the human genome and I hope this study will have some impact on genetically transmitted deceases……
Friday, December 19, 2008
Classification of cleaning enzymes…..
When ever I see a advertisement with “real enzymes” for any dish wash bar/liquids or soap powder, used to wonder what are these enzymes and how they really work and is there any difference between them (for dish washing bar and soap powders). Thanks to Guillermo et. al., who have come up with a interesting way of differentiating the types of enzymes by a method, which is based on the acid hydrolysis of the enzymes to their amino acid constituents. It is really interesting, since their first tentative introduction as minor additives in cleaning products.they have become major players. Cleaning enzymes have almost reduced the use of bleaching agents (hypochlorite solution). The advantage of these enzymes (over the bleaching agents) is better fabric care, during washing. I am sure this test will have its impact in the future, on the magical ability of the enzymes to remove so many types of marks and stains by its equally impressive way of classifying the enzymes involved.
Four types of enzymes:
1. Proteases- attack protein-rich stains such as grass and blood;
2. Amylases- remove stains that contain starch from dishes and fabrics
3. Lipases- hit fats and edible oils and
4. Cellulases- removes the fuzz balls that form on cotton
Hope this experiment will go a long way in adding more enzymes…….
Sunday, December 14, 2008
DNA strands as fibre optic cables?
DNA strands can be easily converted into tiny fibre optic cables that guide light along their length. Optical fibres made this way could be important in optical computers, which use light rather than electricity to perform calculations, or in artificial photosynthesis systems that may replace today's solar panels, claims Bo Albinsson
Though the result is similar to natural photonic wires found inside organisms like algae, where they are used to transport photons to parts of a cell where their energy can be tapped. In these wires, chromophores are lined up in chains to channel photons. It is really interesting though there are pros and cons about the claim. Hope further research in the same, will definitely substantiate the claim…..
Does individual DNA genotype, has anything to do with rapid development of AIDS?
Yes, says Stephen O'Brien and colleagues from the National Cancer Institute in
I am sure this research could go a longway in determining, when an individual should start HIV therapy (start HAART earlier than currently recommended) and also help the doctors choose the best combination of drugs.
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Nano fungus ! ....
Everything Nano…now it is the turn of fungus. German researchers, Alexander Eychmüller and Karl-Heinz Peacute have discovered that they can coat the thin fronds that grow from Penicillium and other fungi with nanoscopic particles of a noble metal. They found that fungal threads coated with 200 nm gold particles appear reddish brown, as does a solution of such gold nanoparticles, providing evidence that the nanoparticulate nature of the particles is maintained during growth rather than aggregation to form larger units taking place. For more….
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Decoding of Neanderthal genome……
Lactose intolerance, bulging brains in humans and lacking of a mutation associated with increased fertility - the answers for all these questions are being answered by microcephaln – a gene mutation. Neanderthal genome researchers, have half done the job and I am sure this will shed light on the evolution of modern humans after their ancestors split from Neanderthals, more than 600,000 years ago and hope they will achieve the success soon.....