Showing posts with label MK-0752. Show all posts
Showing posts with label MK-0752. Show all posts

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Notch inhibitor appears to treat breast cancer....

In a novel therapeutic approach to treating breast cancer, Loyola University Medical Center researchers are reporting positive results from a clinical trial of a drug that targets tumor stem cells. A pilot study at Loyola found that an experimental drug known as a "notch inhibitor" appears to block this process by turning off key genes. Prior to surgery, the patients received one of two commonly used drugs, tamoxifen or letrozole. These drugs work by blocking estrogen stimulation of breast cancer cells. In addition to tamoxifen or letrozole, patients also received the experimental notch-inhibitor drug, MK-0752 (see structure).

 "The notch inhibitor appears to be doing what it is intended to do," said Dr. Clodia Osipo....
There were minimal side effects from either the notch inhibitor or the estrogen-blocking drugs. One patient experienced puffy eyes and coughing and four patients experienced facial acne. No patients experienced diarrhea or surgical complications.

Ref : Loyola Medicine News Release