Thursday, July 7, 2011

New drug improves kidney function for patients with type 2 diabetes and chronic kidney disease

We know that Bardoxolone methyl (see the structurealso known as “RTA 402” and “CDDO-methyl ester) is an orally-available first-in-class synthetic triterpenoid belonging to the antioxidant inflammation modulator (AIM) class. It is the most potent known inducer of the Nrf2 pathway to enter clinical development and works to suppress both oxidative stress and inflammation.......

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Potential new approach for treating obesity, type 2 diabetes

Potential new approach for treating obesity, type 2 diabetes

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Saturday, July 2, 2011

New and effective diabetes drug seeking approval

We know that, Dapagliflozin is an experimental drug being studied by Bristol-Myers Squibb in partnership with AstraZeneca as a potential treatment for type 1 and 2 diabetes. Although dapagliflozin's method of action would operate on either type of diabetes or other conditions resulting in hyperglycemia, the current clinical trials specifically exclude participants with Type 1 diabetes.Dapagliflozin inhibits subtype 2 of the sodium-glucose transport proteins (SGLT2), which is responsible for at least 90% of the glucosereabsorption in the kidney. Blocking this transporter causes blood glucose to be eliminated through the urine.
New and effective diabetes drug seeking approval

Friday, July 1, 2011

New clot busting drug approved in UK

In continuation of my update on Ticagrelar.........

New clot busting drug approved in UK