Friday, June 18, 2010

Sulindac inhibits tumor growth !...

We know that, Sulindac(structure), is useful in the treatment of acute or  chronic inflammatory conditions. Sulindac is a prodrug, derived from sulfinylindene, that is converted in the body to the active NSAID. More specifically, the agent is converted by liver enzymes to a sulfide that is excreted in the bile and then reabsorbed from the intestine. This is thought to help maintain constant blood levels with reduced gastrointestinal side effects. Some studies have shown sulindac to be relatively less irritating to the stomach than other NSAID's except for drugs of the COX-2 inhibitor class. The exact mechanism of its NSAID properties is unknown, but it is thought to act on enzymes COX-1 and COX-2, inhibiting prostaglandin synthesis.

Now researchers from Sanford-Burnham Medical Research Institute (Sanford-Burnham) and their colleagues have figured out how  Sulindac, inhibits tumor growth. The study reveals that Sulindac shuts down cancer cell growth and initiates cell death by binding to nuclear receptor RXRα, a protein that receives a signal and carries it into the nucleus to turn genes on or off. 

As per the claim by the researchers, RXRα normally suppresses tumors, but many types of cancer cells produce a truncated form of this nuclear receptor that does just the opposite. This study showed that shortened RXRα enhances tumor growth by stimulating other proteins that help cancer cells survive. Luckily, the researchers also found that Sulindac can be used to combat this deviant RXRα by switching off its pro-survival function and turning on apoptosis, a process that tells cells to self-destruct.  The interesting part of their research lies in the fact that, they were able to overcome the limitation (cardiovascular side effects associated with Sulindac and other NSAIDs), the researchers tweaked Sulindac, creating a new version of the drug now called K-80003 that both decreases negative consequences and increases binding to truncated RXRα..

"Depending on the conditions, the same protein, such as RXRα, can either kill cancer cells or promote their growth," Dr. Zhang said. "The addition of K-80003 shifts that balance by blocking survival pathways and sensitizing cancer cells to triggers of apoptosis."

Ref :

Thursday, June 17, 2010

The Revolutionary alkaline diet

I am really happy to share an interesting and important article on Alkaline Diet, by Emma Deangela, who has written exclusively for the readers/followers of my blog. I thank Emma for this info, on behalf of  all my blog readers. Its good to see many  authors /writers coming forward to share the knowledge through the social media like facebook/blog/twitter and hope this awareness will help those needy people....

Boost Your Healthy Simply by Alkalizing your Diet!

You've probably heard of alkalizing your body by now and how it will boost your health. But in order to fully appreciate how an alkaline body helps in our daily living, it is imperative to know the components of an alkaline diet and the importance of maintaining the pH of our body.

pH refers to the measure of acidity or basicity of a solution. More accurately, it pertains to the extent of dissociation of hydrogen ions of our body. If we consume the right types and amounts of nutrients and minerals conducive to our body's development, our body is able to maintain the right pH balance. But you may wonder for a moment what exactly are the 'right' nutrients and minerals? This is where alkaline diet comes into the picture.

The concept of alkaline diet is ultimately about foods that leaves an alkaline residue in our body after digestion. Our body's pH balance fluctuates with each intake of food, and in order to maintain it at the optimum pH, our body must have enough alkaline reserves which can only be obtained if we include at the minimum 80% of alkaline foods in our diet.

How do we classify foods into acidic or alkaline foods?

Chlorine, phosphorus and sulfur in food will probably give acidic residue after the food has been digested. Conversely, minerals such as calcium, sodium, magnesium and potassium found in food will leave an alkaline residue.

We should always bear in mind that all foods leave residue in our body after digestion. If you recall the food pyramid taught in Health education classes, meat and seafood, dairy products, alcoholic drinks, chemical sweeteners, sweets and chocolates, and even grains forms acidic residue! However, green leafy vegetables and fruits low in sugar contain organic aids and are full of alkaline goodness after digestion. So do remember to include a larger proportion of greens and fruits in your diet to maintain an alkaline pH in your body.

Why is it Important to Alkalize the Body?

People living in the modern society are plagued with many diseases and the growing number of sufferers far outstripped our ancestors? Why is such a scenario happening? It can be attributed to our diet which is heavily acidic. Foods that leaves a high content of acidic residues revolves in our circulatory system and are not rid of by our kidneys, lungs and bowels.

According to Dr Theodore Baroody, author of the critically acclaimed book "Alkalize or Diet", the reason for these diseases was due to excessive acidic residue in our body. Acidic mediums are conducive for the breeding of diet-related diseases, which will lead to death. When our body is deprived of the essential alkaline reserves, nutrients and minerals, excessive acids in our bloodstream may lead to slow poisoning of our body due to our diet which comprises of a high percentage of acidic foods. Excess acids will also weaken and in severe cases, damage our bodily functions and cellular actives such as respiration, digestion, hormone production and blood circulation.
Start with an Alkaline Diet Today!

If you are guilty of consuming acid-rich food, fret not. You can definitely reverse the situation through alkalizing your body today. We will be able to enjoy a new lease of energy if we maintain the pH balance in our body. On top of that, another benefit of the alkaline diet is to remove the acidic environment that serves as the breeding ground of acidic toxins which will over time result in an onslaught of diseases. Nutritionists and medical doctors recommends a daily consumption of at least five servings of vegetables and green foods which are highly alkaline.

Affluence and technology have resulted in an epidemic of diet-related diseases. However, there is no need to remain pessimistic. Instead of blindness pursuit of wealth and fame, which will come to naught without good health, why not change your health for the better starting today? We should all grab this opportunity and start incorporating the alkaline diet into our everyday life. It may be difficult to give up your favorite acidic foods at the start, but be assured that your efforts will pay off when you see your overall health being restored. Instead of consuming supplements and medicine, start with the root of the problem - diet. And the solution is to begin alkalizing your body by providing an alkaline environment for every cells and bodily functions in your body to thrive.

About the Author –Emma Deangela is one of the key authors for Alkaline Diet.  She loves to share her experience with her readers on tips to stay healthy, disease free, and how to lose weight the alkaline way. Her alkaline diet newsletter is available at Alkaline Diet, so if you would like to find out more about juicy alkaline diet tips and recipes do visit her blog.....

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Two-drug phase I trial shows promise in treating late-stage ovarian cancer

In continuation of my update on carboplatin .....

Researchers from Indiana University School of Medicine, have come up  with interesting finding from a two-Drug Phase I Trial Show, i.e.,  the combination of decitabine (see structure) and carboplatin appears to improve the outcome of women who have late-stage ovarian cancer. Researchers report four of 10 patients who participated in a phase I clinical trial had no disease progression after six months of treatment. One patient experienced complete resolution of tumor tissue for a period of time.

"Carboplatin is the most efficient drug therapy for ovarian cancer,"  unfortunately, patients with recurrent disease become resistant to the drug after one or two rounds claims the lead researcher.."
Decitabine was first used to treat the study patients intravenously daily for five days followed on the eighth day with carboplatin. After a month, the regimen begins again.

Encouraged by the results of the phase I trial, which determined the safety of two different dosing regimens, a phase II trial is now under way with 17 patients already enrolled. Phase II trials are primarily focused on assessing the effectiveness of a drug or treatment protocol.

As per the claim by the researcher, decitabine  (a known methylation inhibitor) can help return tumor suppression genes to an active state, and also improve cells' susceptibility to anti-cancer drugs like carboplatin. Researchers adds that decitabine isn't just targeting active ovarian cancer cells, but also cancer stem cells that seem to survive the first treatments. 

Researchers conclude that, by keeping tumor suppression genes from being methylated, carboplatin and other platinum-based treatments for ovarian cancer have a better chance of success in the late stages.

Ref :

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Eribulin mesylate drug may help extend lives of women with advanced breast cancer..

We know that, Eribulin (see structure E7389) is an investigational  anticancer drug. Eribulin was previously known as E7389.  Eribulin is currently being investigated by Eisai Co. for the third-line treatment of advanced breast cancer in patients who have been previously treated with anthracyclines, taxanes and capecitabine, as well as a variety of other solid tumors, including non-small cell lung cancer, prostate cancer and sarcoma.

Structurally, eribulin is a fully synthetic macrocyclic ketone analogue of the marine sponge natural product halichondrin B a potent mitotic inhibitor with a unique mechanism of action found in the Halichondria genus of sponges. Eribulin is a mechanistically-unique inhibitor of microtubule dynamics, exerting its anticancer effects by triggering apoptosis of cancer cells following prolonged mitotic blockage. A new synthetic route to E7389 was published in 2009.

Now   research team at the University of Leeds and St James's Institute of Oncology led an international trial of the new chemotherapy drug, eribulin mesylate. As per the claim by the researchers, average survival was typically 25 per cent longer for women who took eribulin mesylate.

In the EMBRACE trial, 762 patients with advanced breast cancer received either eribulin or standard cancer treatment. All of the patients had already been heavily treated with conventional therapies, but their disease had returned or spread to other parts of the body.  Researchers concluded that those who took the new drug lived for 13.1 months, on average, compared with 10.7 months for those on conventional chemotherapy. The drug was also well-tolerated by most patients. Researchers hope that these results may establish eribulin as a new, effective treatment for women with late-stage metastatic breast cancer (either single drug or in combination with other anticancer drug). The drug is not yet available for routine clinical treatment and is awaiting regulatory approval in the European Union, the US and Japan.

"Until now, there hasn't really been a standard treatment for women with such advanced breast cancer. For those women who have already received all of the recognised treatments, these are promising results, claims the lead investigator Professor Christopher Twelves...

Ref :

Monday, June 14, 2010

Polyphenols in red wine and green tea halt prostate cancer growth, study suggests

In continuation of my update on Green Tea and EGCG........

"The profound impact that the antioxidants in red wine and green tea have on our bodies is more than anyone would have dreamt just 25 years ago," Weissmann added. "As long as they are taken in moderation, all signs show that red wine and green tea may be ranked among the most potent 'health foods' we know." ....

Polyphenols in red wine and green tea halt prostate cancer growth, study suggests

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Carbamazepine Reduces Hepatic Fibrosis.....

We know that Carbamazepine (CBZ see structure), is an  anticonvulsant and mood stabilizing drug used primarily in the treatment of epilepsy and bipolar disorder, as well as trigeminal neuralgia. It is also used off-label for a variety of indications, including attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), schizophrenia, phantom limb syndrome, paroxysmal extreme pain disorder, and post-traumatic stress disorder.

Now researchers from University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, have come up with interesting finding about this drug, i.e., the liver scarring of α1-antitrypsin (AT) deficiency, the most common genetic cause for which children undergo liver transplantation, might be reversed or prevented with carbamazepine.  The disease, which affects 1 in 3,000 live births, a gene mutation leads to an abnormal protein, dubbed ATZ, that unlike its normal counterpart is prone to aggregation. As per the claim by the researchers these aggregates of ATZ accumulate in the liver cells and eventually lead to scarring, or fibrosis, of the organ and set the stage for tumor development. The disease sometimes doesn't show itself until adulthood, when the liver starts to fail due to cirrhosis or cancer.

Encouraged by the fact that carbamazepine could enhance a natural cellular pathway called autophagy  or self-digestion, researchers thought that  it might be able to rid the cells of the toxic aggregated ATZ. For the study researchers treated an ATZ cell line with carbamazepine. They found that carbamazepine did indeed cause a marked decrease in ATZ because the abnormal proteins were degraded more quickly via autophagy, and so they did another experiment in a mouse model of AT deficiency.

The most amazing finding,  as per the claim by the researchers is  that the drug reversed the fibrosis in the livers of the mice and after two weeks of treatment the liver tissue resembled that of a healthy mouse...

The ability of carbamazepine and drugs like it to "soup up" the cell's autophagy machinery might have value in other disorders ― such as Alzheimer's disease, Huntington's disease and Parkinsonism ― that are thought to be caused by toxic effects of protein clumping in the brain. Dr. Perlmutter and his colleagues are now exploring these possibilities in preclinical studies. ....

Ref :

Friday, June 11, 2010

Azithromycin as effective as penicillin for early-stage syphilis...

We know that azithromycin (structure) is one of the world's best-selling  antibiotics. It is derived from erythromycin; however, it differs chemically from erythromycin in that a methyl-substituted nitrogen atom is incorporated into the lactone ring, thus making the lactone ring 15-membered.  Azithromycin is being used to treat or prevent certain bacterial infections, most often those causing middle ear infections, tonsillitis, throat infections, laryngitis, bronchitis, pneumonia, Typhoid, certain urinary tract infections and venereal diseases, such as non-gonococcal urethritis, chlamydia, gonorrhea and cervicitis. and sinusitis. In recent years it has primarily been used to prevent bacterial infections in infants and those with weaker immune systems.

Now researchers lead by Dr. Edward W. Hook, III of University of Alabama at Birmingham have come up with an interesting finding, i.e., antibiotic pills (azithromycin) are as effective as penicillin injections in curing early-stage syphilis in HIV-negative volunteers. 
Although long-acting penicillin delivered by injection is recommended as the preferred treatment for early syphilis, the authors note that this therapy has shortcomings, particularly in resource-limited settings. Penicillin injections can cause allergic reactions, and the drug must be refrigerated and administrated by trained personnel. The orally administered azithromycin may provide a good alternative for treating HIV-negative people with early-stage syphilis, the scientists conclude. They note that there is a potential for syphilis-causing bacteria to acquire resistance to macrolide drugs such as azithromycin and they recommend continued research into this possibility..
Ref :

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Lovastatin: A New Weapon Against Plague?

We know that, Lovastatin is a member of the drug class of statins,  used for lowering  cholesterol (hypolipidemic agent) in those with hypercholesterolemia and so preventing cardiovascular disease. Lovastatin is a naturally occurring drug found in food such as oyster mushrooms  and red yeast rice.

Now scientists at the Unité de Recherche sur les Maladies Infectieuses et Tropicales Emergentes (CNRS/Université Aix-Marseille 2), have found that Lovastatin protects animals against the deadly effects of plague.

After inoculating small rodents with the Yersinia pestis bacterium, the team led by Didier Raoult and Michel Drancourt at the URMITE (CNRS/Université Aix-Marseille 2) showed that animals treated with lovastatin presented fewer and less severe infections. Lovastatin therefore has preventive properties against plague mortality in an animal model. This experimental study also reveals that this statin has no direct antibiotic effect against Yersinia pestis but that it prevents the development of septicemia.  

Researchers conclude that Lovastatin had no in-vitro antibiotic effect against Y. pestis. The difference in the mortality between control mice (11/15; 73.5%) and lovastatin-treated mice (3/15; 20%) was significant (P<0.004; Mantel-Haenszel test). Dead mice exhibited Y. pestis septicemia and inflammatory destruction of lung and spleen tissues not seen in lovastatin-treated surviving mice. These data suggest that lovastatin may help prevent the deadly effects of plague, with a caution that field observations are warranted to assess the role of lovastatin in the prophylaxis of human plague....

Ref :

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

FDA accepts Orexigen's Contrave NDA for treatment of obesity

Orexigen Therapeutics, Inc., a biopharmaceutical company focused on the treatment of obesity, recently anounced that the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has accepted for filing the Company's New Drug Application (NDA) for Contrave(R) (see structrures below ; naltrexone SR   and bupropion SR), its investigational drug for the treatment of obesity. The NDA is based on a substantial body of evidence gathered through the Contrave Obesity Research (COR) clinical program, which included over 4,500 patients.....

"We are pleased the FDA has accepted our NDA for filing and look forward to working with the Agency during the review process," said Michael Narachi, President and CEO of Orexigen. "If approved, we believe Contrave will become an important therapeutic option for obese patients, making weight loss and weight maintenance an achievable cornerstone in the treatment of obesity and its common co-morbidities."

Ref :

Monday, June 7, 2010

ACT Biotech's Telatinib receives orphan drug designation from FDA for treatment of gastric cancer

ACT Biotech's Telatinib receives orphan drug designation from FDA for treatment of gastric cancer..

Telatinib (see structure,  source : ChemBlink) :
(17-Demethoxy-17-allylaminogeldanamycin; Tanespimycin; 17-Allylaminogeldanamycin)


Sunday, June 6, 2010

Bone drug (Zoledronic acid) suppresses wandering tumor cells in breast cancer patients

In continuation of my update on zoledronic acid, I find this info really  interesting.  Researchers from Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis, have found that the bone-strengthening drug zoledronic acid (Zometa) can help fight metastatic breast cancer when given before surgery.

When the drug was given along with chemotherapy for three months before breast cancer surgery, it reduced the number of women who had tumor cells in their bone marrow at the time of surgery.

Tumors shed thousands of cells, which spread throughout the body and are referred to as disseminated tumor cells (DTCs). Breast cancer DTCs often lodge in bone marrow where bone growth factors help them survive.

Chemotherapy can increase bone turnover and bone growth factors, potentially exacerbating the problem of DTCs in the bone, which can resurface later to cause metastatic disease in cancer patients.

Researchers believe that zoledronic acid inhibits the release of growth factors that help support the growth of DTCs.

In this randomized phase II clinical trial, researchers split 109 women with newly diagnosed stage II or stage III breast cancer into two groups. The control group received chemotherapy alone, while the other received a combination treatment of chemotherapy and zoledronic acid. After three months of therapy, patients with DTCs in their bone marrow decreased from 43 percent to 30 percent in the combination group, compared with a decrease from 48 percent to 47 percent in the control group. This result approached statistical significance.

Zoledronic acid treatment with chemotherapy had additional benefits. Women in the combination group experienced significant gains in bone density after 12 months. This is helpful for breast cancer patients, who often develop osteoporosis as a side effect of chemotherapy and other breast cancer treatments.  

The study also suggested that zoledronic acid may help fight certain types of breast tumors directly. Aft speculates that the drug may stop the tumor from making its own blood supply, modify the immune system in a way that makes it harder for tumor cells to survive or even cause the cancer cells to commit suicide.....

Ref :

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Chili peppers may cause weight loss and fight fat buildup, says study

In one of my earlier blog article, titled "Peppers may increase energy expenditure in people tying to lose weight"....have mentioned that researchers form UCLA's Center for Human Nutrition in Los Angeles, CA, lead by Dr. David Heber claimed that "peppers may increase energy expenditure in people tying to lose weight". 

Now interestingly, Steven C. Powell, has come up with new evidence that capsaicin (see below structure), the stuff that gives chili peppers their kick, may cause weight loss and fight fat buildup by triggering certain beneficial protein changes in the body. Their study, which could lead to new treatments for obesity, appears in ACS' monthly Journal of Proteome Research........details ...

Ref : Chili peppers may cause weight loss and fight fat buildup, says study  

Friday, June 4, 2010

RADIANT-3 study results show everolimus significantly extends progression-free survival in patients with advanced pancreatic neuroendocrine tumors...

We know that Everolimus (RAD-001, marketed by Novartis under the  tradenames Zortress (USA) and Certican (Europe and other countries) in transplantation medicine and Afinitor in oncology) is the 42-O-(2-hydroxyethyl) derivative of sirolimus and works similarly to sirolimus as an mTOR (mammalian target of rapamycin) inhibitor. It is currently used as an immunosuppressant to prevent rejection of organ transplants. Much research has also been conducted on everolimus and other mTOR inhibitors for use in a number of cancers.

The FDA has approved everolimus for the treatment of advanced kidney cancer on March 30, 2009 and for organ rejection prophylaxis on April 22, 2010. Now Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corporation announced that the  Phase III study of Afinitor® (everolimus, see structure) tablets plus best supportive care met its primary endpoint, showing the drug significantly extended progression-free survival, or time without tumor growth, in patients with advanced pancreatic neuroendocrine tumors (NET). The study, RADIANT-3 (RAD001 In Advanced Neuroendocrine Tumors), is part of the largest clinical trial program of its kind. 

Everolimus is approved under the trade name Afinitor® (everolimus) tablets for the treatment of patients with advanced renal cell carcinoma (RCC) after failure of treatment with sunitinib or sorafenib.  

As  per the claim by   Herve Hoppenot, President, Novartis Oncology, Everolimus was developed to inhibit the mTOR protein, which is a critical target in treating various cancers, including NET. Results from RADIANT-3 demonstrate that everolimus has the potential to become an important treatment option for patients with advanced pancreatic NET, where there is a major unmet need.

"These study results will serve as the basis of worldwide regulatory filings for everolimus and bring us one step closer to our goal of offering these patients a new therapy."...says Herve Hoppenot...
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